To our patients,
As your chiropractic healthcare providers, the health and safety of patients and team members is our primary concern.
Today, we find ourselves in an ever-evolving situation regarding the COVID-19 virus. Chiropractic offices are healthcare facilities and are exempt from the new guidelines put in place by Governor Evers. We are going to stay open as long as we are able to, safely. With that being said, we are doing our best to keep our patients safe by cleaning thoroughly and adjusting our schedule to help keep our building capacity under the recommended 10 person limit.
We also ask that each patient and accompanying person review the following questions before coming into the office:
• Have you traveled outside of the country or to a COVID-19 "hot spot" recently?
• Do you have a fever?
• Do you have a cough or respiratory symptoms?
If the answer is yes to any of these questions, we ask that you reschedule your appointment, stay home, and CALL (not visit) your doctor for advice.
Groskopp Chiropractic Staff