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BREAKING: Changes in 2 Lutheran churches

Posted at 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Brillion News

WRIGHTSTOWN - There are major transitions in two Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod congregations in southwest Brown County.

First, the congregation of St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church in Greenleaf, with an aging and dwindling membership, is closing, with its church building, next to the Wrightstown Town Hall, being sold to the St. John Ev. Lutheran Church of Wrightstown.

St. John has sold its historic church building at the corner of Turner and Fair streets,a nd will move its worship services to the Greenleaf church for two or more years - while the congregation builds a new facility and campus on Plum Road (County D), just south of State 96.

That new building will likely not include a church initially, with worship taking place in the school commons.

The old St. John church building is being sold to a new owner from Minnesota, who will use it for a music-related business.

[Right photo: St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church is Greenleaf is next door to the Wrightstown Town Hall. >>]

These changes were announced on Tuesday by the president of St. John congregation, Terry Schaeuble.

The church has a school building at Turner and Clay Street.

The building was sold to the Village of Wrightstown, but it continues to be used as a K-8 day school under the terms of that sale.

More information about the coming changes in the two congregations will be featured in the August 26 print edition of THE BRILLION NEWS.



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