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Brillion Emergency Management releases statement

May 15, 2020

The following was released to The Brillion News on Friday, May 15, 2020 from Joseph Diener and Brillion Emergency Management.

This past week has seen a series of events unfold as it relates to the COVID-19 Pandemic and the regulations that were set in place. As of May 13, 2020 the Wisconsin Supreme Court made a decision in the Wisconsin Legislature vs. Palm on the Safer at Home order, the decision was made that this order would be blocked by the Supreme Court ruling. On Thursday May 14, 2020 under the direction of the Calumet County Health Officer with Pursuant to Wis. Stat § 252.03(1) & (2) there was a Calumet County Health Order #1 issued.

This afternoon, Friday May 15, 2020 in response to community and business leader comments, uncertainty to enforce those previous general orders, and a review by the Public Health Office, Sheriff’s Office, Administration, and Corporation Counsel of Calumet County it was determined that Calumet County would rescind Order #1 dated May 14, 2020.

By this new Order #2 dated May 15, 2020 by Calumet County businesses now have the choice to open for business as they feel fit. Not all businesses will immediately be open, as some of them will need to schedule employees to return for work, others will have various regulations and rules in effect that they will choose to follow, others may just need some additional time to prepare for opening of their businesses. We are asking all of you to be understanding as we will continue to work through this and support our Community, and Businesses that have had to be closed over the past two months.

I am continuing to encourage everyone to follow the safe physical distancing of 6 feet between people, restrict from shaking hands, covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing, continue to regularly clean high touch areas, using a mask or cloth face covering when out in public.

As for Businesses I am encouraging you to continue to follow the recommendations from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation Reopen Guidelines.

Again I want to take a moment to Thank All of You for your support and understanding from the very beginning on this and by your help and commitment we have been able to keep our community SAFE, and by your continued commitment to do this we will remain this way, so yes we are opening Brillion back up, but let’s continue to take care of each other. We all want to get back to supporting our Businesses and Friends.


Joseph A. Diener

Emergency Management Director



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