The Brillion News
SHAWANO – The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has approved a temporary order to raise the water level in Shawano Lake to historic levels.
The order was issued on Wednesday, June 3, and goes into effect immediately.
In 2015, the FERC ordered the lake drawn down by five inches in elevation. Property owners on the lake complained and state Senator Robert Cowles, R-Green Bay, led an effort to get the lake levels restored on a year-to-year basis.
The lower water levels made the lake more dangerous for fishermen and other recreational boaters, exposing more structure on the lake bottom and creating hazards to people and boats. The lower lake levels also made some boat ramps and docks useless.
“For a third year, a temporary approval to raise the lake back to a level necessary for safe navigation and recreation for the summer is welcomed and appreciated,” Cowles said. “But continuing to seek temporary approvals year after year is not a long-term solution.
Cowles said he and other interested parties are negotiating for a permanent order to restore the lake level. It is expected to be submitted to the FERC in the near future.