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Updates from Groskopp Chiropractic

To our patients,

As your chiropractic healthcare providers, the health and safety of patients and team members is our primary concern.

Chiropractic offices are exempt from Governor Evers "Stay At Home" guide­ lines so we will remain open to serve our patients. We are cleaning thor­ oughly and adjusting our schedule to help keep our building capacity under the recommended 10 person limit. In addition to these things, we have also begun calling all patients over the age of 65 and ones who may be immuno­ compromised to recommend they stay at home during this time. However, it is ultimately their decision if they would like to keep their appointment.

To help keep our patients and staff safe, we ask that anyone who has any of the following to reschedule their appointment:

Has recently traveled outside of the country or to a COVID-19 "hot spot" recently

Has a fever

Has a cough or other respiratory symptoms

We are also asking that patients do not bring any extra people with them to their appointment. If patients must bring someone, we ask that they wait in the car and don't enter the office. This will help us not only keep our 10 person building maximum under control, but it will also reduce the exposure to other patients and staff. Finally, please practice social distancing as much as possible while you are here.


Groskopp Chiropractic Staff



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