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'Vote for this mullet': Wenzel back in competition

July 20, 2023

By David Nordby

The Brillion News

BRILLION – Brillion’s Axel Wenzel is back in the mullet championships. He finished the first round fourth in his age group out of close to 1,000 kids. Round two starts today, July 20, and goes through July 24 at 11:59 p.m. The top 25 kids of the second round advance.

Wenzel and his family are also raising donations this year for Jared Allen’s Homes for Wounded Warriors. Allen, a highly accomplished NFL player with the Minnesota Vikings and three other teams, founded the Homes for Wounded Warriors group in 2009 to build handicapped-accessible homes for severely wounded military members returning from Afghanistan and Iraq. He also became known for playing with his mullet hairstyle.

A brat fry is tonight, July 20, at Carstens Mill with live music to raise donations for this. There will also be various lemonade stands over the weekend.

“Axel’s hair has grown since last year, but we know that’s not enough to get him into that number 1 spot. We need everyone’s help to get him there,” Jessica Wenzel, Axel’s mom, said.

“Scroll down a little bit and look through his glorious pictures of golden blonde naturally curly locks, and tap, ‘Vote for this mullet’ And done,” Jessica said.

People can vote once every 24 hours per device, including phones, tablets, iPads, laptops, desktops, Chromebooks and even gaming systems and smart TVs.

“Anything you can access internet from, you can vote from,” Jessica said.

If people wish, they can also log in to their account on the site, and donate through Axel’s page to Homes for Wounded Warriors. One-hundred percent of donations go directly to this amazing cause and organization. Donations and votes both help Axel in the competition,” Jessica said.

Last year, Wenzel took fourth place in the competition.

“We are asking everybody, businesses, community members, their families, neighbors, and anyone that just loves this beautiful hairstyle for their votes and support,” Wenzel said.

The grand prize is $5,000 this year, along with the title of Mullet Champ.

“If Axel wins, he says he will donate a portion of his winnings to the Brillion Nature Center, he would like to throw a huge party at Carstens Mill as a gigantic thank you to everyone for supporting him, and maybe buy another goKart so he can race his brother,” Jessica said.



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